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Tom m

Like to talk to xmormons

John Tharp

I was in the church in 1990 resigned in 1991 Santa Fe NM then in 11-22 I hit a like on Facebook and it was ta bad experience they were so aggressive to get me back or just to get new members, baptised on April 2023 Florida and resigned on 11-23, it did not feel right and boundaries were crossed they caused a lot of problems for me. I will continue with the Christian local church now. Never again!

Christopher Boyd

I'm a former mormon and born again Christian as of Nov 2016. I was adversely affected by my experience growing up and being born into this false religion. At 50 years old the change began to take place in a jail cell when I read the Bible. Alone with Bible and God, Jesus, I came to the conclusion I needed to leave. I just didn't know how . I found Calvary SLC Church and gave my life in Nov 2016 to Christ and got baptized as a Christian there at Calvary Church. My life was forever changed by faith in Jesus as God and started my journey away from mormonism.

Kacy Simper

Hi my name is Kacy Simper,
I am a exmormon. I left October of 21. I was a member for 41 years I am 43 now. I was born into it. I was born in Driggs, I’d very Mormon community and then moved to Rexburg after I was & and lived there up until I was married. Then moved to Colorado and had no doubt I belonged to the only true church. I had no desire to research any other. 2020 came along and do to this and the church the churches behavior I questioned not only our government, but the church. So as I was left on my own to do my religious studies. I started studying the Bible and realized what Jesus taught was different from the LDS doctrine. Then I was led to Mormon history and the truth and then God led me to Christianity. The joy I have now is greater then ever! All the shame and guilt I felt was washed away through Grace!

Michelle Jones

Would love to know how to talk to Mormons as a born-again believer in Christ


My husband grew up in the LDS faith but we both were water baptized and married inside the Christian faith in 1998. So I have quite a number of Mormon in-laws. I would love to know more on how to have spiritual conversations with them as a born-again believer in Christ.

Tara Tulley

I am a former Utah, former Mormon now Charismatic Christian in Tucson, Arizona. I love Jesus, and I have a longing to minister to Mormons and Ex-Mormons to know the true Jesus of the Bible!

Kaitlyn Rosas

I grew up in the LDS church until I was 16 when my father took us out of the church. He believed he was the prophet Elias and his mission was to bring about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and had the authority to become a polygamist. I'd been going to Calvary Chapel Salt Lake in 2014 and 2015 and been confronted by not knowing what I believed and why. I was also confronted by the words, "Do not add or take away." I began reading Shawn McCraney's book about comparing Mormonism to Biblical Christianity and watching his show Heart of the Matter as well as the Ex-Mormon Files on YouTube. I became a born-again Christian in late September 2015 and I've never been the same since.

Lori Horrocks

I was born & raised in the Mormon church, 3-4 generations, temple marriage, then divorced. I went inactive when my oldest son was 12 22 years ago because he was fighting against it and I felt it was more important to have peace in the home instead of fighting Sunday morning to get everyone to church. I still believed, but it was too hard to live it. There were times I tried to go back but never kept going. It wasn't until Covid and the letter from the church leadership urging the vaccine, saying it was safe and effective that I knew that was a lie and realized I could not support and sustain the leadership. I then started digging more into the history of the church and realized there were so many deceptions. I was drawn to Christianity and listened to Amanda Grace & a couple other prophets on YouTube. I am in the process of trying to find a local Christian church that I can connect with.

Jennifer Conway-Vega

I was a teenager when the mormons came. Against all my families warnings I was baptized and committed wholeheartedly. I was even married in the Bountiful Temple. Slowly I began to struggle with some of the doctrine that was never shared or even discussed with the congregation in Michigan. Thanks to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I was able to see clearly. It took me a few years to be able to escape as I had been threatened several times that I would never see my children again. Through faith prayer my children and I were able to get out. Today I am so happy and I am again with the religion from my childhood. I have a relationship with my God that is so amazing that words cannot describe. He brought me out of darkness and into his marvelous light! To God be the glory for the things he has done.


I left the Mormon Church in 1994 but haven't fully processed the events that lead to my decision to fly the coop. The relief of leaving was so great the energy from that has worked for me all these years ! It's time to truly release the anger, heal the wounds and connect with like souls.


I left the Jehovah's Witnesses after deep personal scripture study. I could no longer teach people JW doctrines that were not in accordance to scripture. The elders were going to disfellowship me after my attempt to help my friend. They had three judicial meetings on my account.. but I held fast against their accusation.


At close to 80 myself, an old friend is making valiant attempts to have me become an active LDS church goer, which I’ve never been. Terms such as sealings, resurrection, atonement and temple work are being tossed out at me. I’ve never felt a need to follow a structured religion but am very spiritual. Mormonism goes way back in family, so baptised at 8.

Dave Mack

I left the Mormon church when I was 15. I became a Christ follower about 5 years ago, 30 years later. My wife and I moved to Sandy Utah in February this year

Landy Nikole

I am 43 years old. I left the lds cult when I was 28. I got very lost and have recently found the God of the bible. I feel very alone and know I need fellowship in my life.

Paul Adams

I was a TBM for 47 years and was on my 53rd read of the BoM until I discovered the Gospel Topics Essays on April1/18. On April 13/18 I resigned. Since then, I have uploaded 125 videos on YT of my exit and the 'fraud' that is being perpetrated. Also started and a petition I am not interested in discussing variations in Christian dogma. I am a Christian and my faith is personal and private. I have also contacted the AG of California and INTERPOL about the 501.c.3 that is disguising itself as a religion in order to lure people into joining it and then extract tithes and free labor from them. I discuss the case in the websites. If I can be of any help, let me know.

God bless you all,


My bishop is being so controlling and has told people in my ward to not speak to me due to the fact that I told him Jesus Christ is in control of my life not him and he practically had a heart attack and told me I was being ridiculous. It was so hurtful. I am grateful for everything that the church did for me, but I'm just too much of an independent thinker to be in the church. It's just not in my destiny. :


Hello,...I'm an ex-mo. Have many friends in the community, and even though I left, I didn't "go to hell" as I was told I would over decades. I've moved past the anger and bargaining in my grieving, and have reached acceptance. What amazes me?... I'm happier now than I ever have been. Go figure.

Samuel Roe

My dad is Shane Roe, who recently shared his video testimonial with your community. Although I'm not a Christian myself, I wanted to thank you for giving him a community to ease his transition out of the Church. I know this community is really important to him, and I'm glad to see his recovery from Mormonism.

Despite my personal differences in religion, I believe you are doing good work, and I hope you will continue to help those seeking to escape Mormonism and find meaning in their lives. May your paths be ever true to you.

John Morris

From my earliest age of 6, my mother was lost after my Dad passed away in 1966. The missionaries were very likeable which with their sales tactics, my mother bought into it. So after my mother married a 1st Counselor in our branch. in 1982 I was stationed in Utah with the Air Force, at Hill. My friends there got me involved with my future ex-wife. We were married in the SLC Temple. We were sent to Lajes Air Base where we were part of a small congregation. Fulfilled many callings.
So that takes me to about two years ago... I had questioned the church for a few years but after talking with a good Christian friend he told me that everything Smith came up with was fake. Then my wife now asked me a question that I just couldn't answer... She asked me if when we go to heaven if I was still going to be married to my Ex. I told her no but in the back of my mind is that yes we would be. I just had to do a lot of research to come to the realization that the church was a fraud.


Raised my parents were main stream LDS till I was about 12 and my father converted to fundamental LDS and dragged me into it, kicking and screaming, when I was about 15. I found friends in the Allred group and eventually married an Allred. Determined to be a faithful wife and D&C 132 believer I tried to help my husband find another wife. By the time we were 25 I had learned too much of how fundamental LDS can't to be and couldn't believe it anymore. Spent about a year back in the mainstream LDS church but when the missionaries tried telling my eight year old boy that the "prophet" spoke to God for him I just couldn't do it anymore. Soon there after I found a Bible teaching Christian Church, told myself I was not going to get baptised there. A few months later, I knew it was where I needed to be. Jesus was my savior and I finally had a relationship with Him. Me, my hubby and our little family of five boys and one girl, attend SMCC in Draper. It's been wonderful to see them grow and learn about a loving God.


I grew up on Guam, in the 1960's, we moved to Utah in 1975, attended Hillcrest HIgh, moved to Boston area in the 80's... was LDS from birth till 2016 when I asked to have my name removed, why? Because I read the New Testament and couldn't find enough Jesus at Church. I've been Primary President, YW President, Seminary teacher, all out in the Boston area. I did an interview on Earl Erskine's program. I have tons of family in the SL area. My Grandmother on my father's side was a Barlow, escaped from that polygamous group. I graduated from BYU law in 2008. I am living in Tennessee and considering going to a college run by the Freewill Baptist church here for a Masters degree in Theology... because I don't think I know the Bible well enough. I live in Tennessee close by the school. The last of our 8 children is graduating this Spring... anyway... They are such good people. Most of the Mormons try so hard. It would create so much peace if they only knew they could "rest" in the Lord, and "wait" on him. I'm learning how to do that! I would like to come to the fellowship when I am in Utah... I'm there frequently... Thanks for your efforts for us... The Lord is working very hard to prepare for a Third Great Awakening... The ex Mormons are part of that work.


Hi. I live in Pleasant Grove, UT. I left the LDS church in 2007, 3 months after I graduated from BYU. I am an older widowed women. I was going to BYU for a Bachelor's in Family History. I left the church alone. My husband and grown children stayed with the church. My husband passed away in 2012. We moved to Utah in 2004 from California. Most of my friends live down there. I live in a 55+ apt complex. I call it an extension of the local LDS Ward. The only reason I live here is because of my daughters and grandchildren. I have no other friends. I attend Calvary Mountain View in American Fork. I love the pastor, but it has been hard feeling like I really belong. Most of the people I attend church with have been Christians most of their life. I would love to meet your group, but not sure if it is mostly for younger people. It is hard being out of the LDS church in Utah County. I think it would help me to be around other believers that came out of Mormonism.

Alice Botsford

One morning, after studying my lesson for Sunday School...looking over my music for primary...writing in my journal...I decided to make some chocolate chip cookies for my five kids who were at changed my life! I had chocolate chip salvation! You are welcome to receive my testimony upon request. Woke up a firm believer in lunch time...Jesus Christ completely changed my life!!!!!

Susan Beyer

Member 47 years. Disillusioned by studying Church History.
I'm married 47 years to a True Believer, former Bishop who accepts my disbelief.
I consider myself a Secular Humanist. I believe all religion is a social construct based upon prevailing myth.
One can be GOOD without GOD.


met two young ladies about 50 plus days ago. I told them at the time while i was doing my laundry that and listening to my favorite violin music. They both took a interest in what i liked. After talking for a bit i told let them know how to find me. the following day they showed up not knowing that they were lds. please contact me,for the rest.


Hi...converted for my husband, to make him and his family happy. Never felt entirely right for me. It's such a long story. Tried to tell him I couldn't do it anymore be something I am notand he threatened to divorce me. After 6 more years and an inability to even speak to him about the matter, I left. I was so emotionally and spiritually weak. He filed for divorce from me and convinced me to let him take my kids. I can't believe I did that, but that's how insidious this religion can be. We are both happily remarried and I have a healthy non LDS church life with my husband. But I have enormous guilt at not having custody of my children as a woman, especially - it's very isolating and lonely place and agreeing that they could be raised in the church. It is an every day anguish. But I believe in Jesus Christ and HIS teachings and somehow I am going to get through. Thank you for letting me vent. Support would be amazing.

nicol zambos

Left Mormonism 5 years ago but my family is still stuck inside.

L. Roundy

Tired of being lied to. Tired of untrained, uneducated, lay leadership. Just tired. I am in search of happiness and peace. Take care of the poor and suffering and real estate and shopping malls don't matter.


Hi. I am tired of pretending and supporting a way of living like the Pharisees. I believe in Jesus Christ and want to know HIM. Friends would be great. This is life changing!


Recent ex mormon

Richard Nurnberg

I am looking for and wanting "true" Christian fellowship. After 46 years of service in the LDS Church, I find myself totally disillusioned and devastated to learn that I have been deceived and lied to. And to make matters worse, when the brethren are made aware of, as if they didn't already know, the lies and deceptions being perpetuated on members and non-members alike, they continue to give apologetic answers to try to satisfy the masses. I find myself in limbo not knowing how to move forward from here. I am unable to continue serving in a church whose leaders refuse to admit the seriousness of the falsehoods taught and preached by the early church leaders. I find myself asking, how could I have been so blinded to true Cristian principals and allowed myself to be so deceived. Ashamed? Yes I am. Hurt? Most definately. Feeling lost? Oh yeah!!! Looking for help on how to get out of the mess I find myself in? You bet. A very good friend and brother who attends the group in West Jordan, Utah has invited, recommended and encourages me to attend this groups activities. He feels I can benefit from, receive fellowship from, and maybe eventually find opportunities to serve. I have always considered myself to be a follower and servant of Christ, Jesus. He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one cometh to the Father but by Me ." Please reach out to me.


I'm glad I found your website. I am also Ex-LDS and would love to help in your ministry. Here is my wife's video of our leaving the LDS church.

Chandra Anderson

My husband and I moved to Utah to start new evangelical congregations and have a heart for those journeying out of Mormonism as well as those still in. Just wanted to stop in and say there are people here in Utah who love you and are here for you if you ever need anything.

Lauren McNamara

Hey, I was a convert from Chicago about 5 years ago. Moved all the way to SLC 3.5 years ago where by husband I had no friends or family for the church, only to learn of all the horrible realities and corruptions. We can't leave yet cause my husband works here now but I feel trapped. I hate it here so much. Whenever I think the madness cant get any more despicable it does. I don't know how to cope with being in the horrible place the church has created. There is so much trauma here, so much pain, so much BS. My heart hurts all the time now. I don't know what to do.

Renae Storms

Hello! I was LDS for about 30 years...I was a convert to Mormonism at 18, left in my mid to late 40's...trusted Christ alone for my salvation at 50...Just moved to Utah from excited to be here and looking forward to meeting y'all!

Side note...Rob thanks for starting the Dallas exmo group that was a huge part in my journey out, and I'm glad we're 'neighbors' again. :

barbara &Rusty Dunbar

Mormons 40 yrs. started reading the Bible and God got us quickly. Caused much pain and heart ache with 4 of 5 kids. But so happy to be free in Christ. Looking forward to meeting all of you


I am the CFO for Courageous Christians United

Brooke Pauley

Hello! My name is Brooke Pauley and I am a person who was never Mormon, but strongly considered the religion as Truth. I did not grow up in the church, but today I am a practicing Christian and madly in love with the Lord. Thank you so much for your efforts of loving the LDS church and bring Truth to them. My heart breaks heavily for them. Thank you!

Frances Groneman

Mormon for 70 years but always had doubts. Now 77. "Locked in" here in Provo but have a few good Christian friends. Feel like I'm just spinning my wheels and would love to get into some kind of ministry. Former teacher experience with Preschool through graduate school. Trained and experienced in music but prefer traditional styles. I'm a good teacher writer and speaker. Mild physical handicap/limitations but mentally and spiritually fit for the Good Fight!


Hi, I am so excited to see all these groups and organizations popping up. I left the church several years ago and prompted by my father to write about my life in mormonland and my path to Christ. It took a decade and got the courage to publish it. All we can say to the Mormon masses to help them walk out the door of the church and into Christ's loving arms, we must do........God bless and support you courageous people...

Jacob Bills

I'm currently a Mormon. I'm seeking an unbiased approach to the truth about God, wherever that truth may be. My salvation depends on it.

Jannette Mavis Harvey Hobbs

I've been a member of this meetup since 2011.

Kay Johnson

Oh, I can't wait to meet all of you. I know you're a great group because so many people tell me about you two. I love the Erskines, the Wilders, and Kay Brown and many many more that I have met in this 3 month journey. Thanks for your meet up group. God bless

Earl and Karla Erskine

May God bless you in your sincere efforts to bridge Mormons to Christianity.

Timothy Oliver

Glad you are still continuing the meet-ups. It's great fellowship whether it's mostly old-timers, newbies, or everything in between. It's so important for people who are trying to break free of Mormonism, or have recently escaped, to have safe fellowship with people who have already been through it all. Keep up the good work!

Natalie Carroll

Thanks for the add. I hope to make it to a gathering one day! I don't get to make it to Utah very often!

Jannette Mavis Harvey Hobbs

Hobbs is my future last name, so I've put it in parenthesis.


Great to be a part of such a wonderful ministry.